A brand of Rafa Nadal and Cantabria Labs.
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A brand of Rafa Nadal and Cantabria Labs.
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NDL Pro-Health Fast Hydration is a dietary supplement in the form of effervescent tablets to be dissolved in water, composed of mineral salts, which provides electrolytes to maintain hydration during physical activity. The iron and magnesium included in the formula also help reduce tiredness and fatigue along with zinc that contributes to normal protein synthesis. Its potassium content contributes to the normal functioning of muscles.
All NDL Pro-Health products meet the strictest quality criteria.
Dissolve 1 tablet of NDL Pro-Health Fast Hydration in 500 ml of water. Stir for complete dissolution. Once the mix is prepared, consume within 24 hours.
Dextrose |
1000,000 |
Excipient: Diluent |
* |
Potassium bicarbonate |
768,049 |
300 mg Potassium |
Isotonicity |
15.00% |
Sodium bicarbonate |
479,085 |
134 mg Sodium |
Isotonicity |
* |
Sodium chloride |
322,000 |
127 mg Sodium |
Normal immune system function |
* |
Magnesium carbonate |
320,000 |
80 mg Magnesium |
Normal muscular function |
21.33% |
Sodium sacharine |
18,000 |
2 mg Sodium |
Excipient: Sweetener |
* |
iron citrate |
14,286 |
3 mg Iron |
Reduces tiredness and fatigue |
21.43% |
zinc citrate |
9,449 |
3 mg Zinc |
Bone maintenance |
30.00% |
Copper gluconate |
2,143 |
0.3 mg Copper |
Anti-inflammatory |
30.00% |
Manganese sulphate |
1,563 |
0.5 mg Manganese |
Bone maintenance |
25.00% |
NDL PRO-HEALTH Fast Hydration does not contain any substances included in the WADA prohibited list either in its composition or in the manufacturing process.
Ensuring proper hydration during exercise is essential to guarantee optimal physical and mental performance and facilitate recovery after training (minimising its time), especially in hot environments and prolonged exercises (1). During exercise, temperature and metabolism control takes place (control of blood pressure, cardiovascular effort, maintenance of an active muscular metabolism, etc.) through sweating (2), which results in significant loss of water, but also of salt (sodium and chlorine), as well as lower losses of potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron and other minerals (3). A decrease in body water content below normal levels (dehydration) causes changes in cardiovascular, thermoregulatory, metabolic, and even central nervous system functions. However, the direct contribution of water (hypotonic drinks) in such situations can reduce the blood concentration of salts, leading to certain renal and vascular stress and the development of hyponatremia (sodium deficiency). Losses in salts are also linked to the appearance of cramps and muscle pulls (4).
Thus, replacing the water and salts lost during exercise is the simplest and most effective way to ensure correct physiological functions for a good workout (5). It is therefore important for athletes to ensure hydration and a good supply of electrolytes (2,6). This is why the use of isotonic drinks that provide hydration while helping to minimise salt losses are highly recommended (7). This isotonic drink ensures not only effective hydration, but also provides sodium and potassium in optimal quantities for the proper functioning of the kidneys, small amounts of micronutrients required during intense physical exercise (3, 6).
SODIUM (in the form of chloride and sodium bicarbonate): A source of salt in sports drinks is critical, particularly in high sweating sports, since water with sodium and chlorine (salt) is essentially lost through sweat (6). Salt also favours the isotonicity of the beverage and contributes significantly to preventing hyponatremia associated with exercise. Hyponatremia occurs whenever sodium levels in the blood plasma fall below certain limits (130 mM/L) and can lead to encephalopathy and pulmonary oedema depending on the degree.
Sodium in the form of sodium bicarbonate also contributes to the control of blood pH, which can be altered during certain sports induced by metabolic changes (8). Thus, a source of sodium bicarbonate during exercise has been shown to have an ergogenic effect in both men and women, improving muscle performance and preventing fatigue in endurance sports, combat and high-intensity sports (cycling, running, swimming, rowing, etc.) (6, 8, 9).
POTASSIUM (in the form of potassium bicarbonate): While not to the same extent as sodium, plasma potassium levels tend to decrease during exercise (10). Potassium is essential for isotonicity, electrolyte balance, nerve transmission, and active transport mechanisms (6). A source of potassium in the form of bicarbonate also contributes to balancing the pH of the blood and it has been seen that its contribution in combination with sodium bicarbonate maximizes the ergogenic effect of both (11).
MANGANESE During intense exercise, oxidative stress is generated, controlled among others by a manganese-dependent cellular machinery (12). Low levels of manganese have also been associated with deficiencies in carbohydrate metabolism and loss of bone mass (3). Therefore, a certain amount of manganese is advisable for protection against oxidative stress induced by intense exercise (especially at the cardiac level) (13, 14), promoting adequate physical performance and favouring recovery (3).
COPPER: Copper is an essential component for various physiological reactions including energy metabolism processes and antioxidant systems, whose role becomes essential in situations of intense sports practice It also facilitates the absorption of free iron and blood haemoglobin, preventing anaemia and is very important in the development of cardiovascular and neuronal functions (3).
IRON: Iron is the trace mineral found in greatest quantity in the human body. Its main roles are the transport of oxygen both in blood (as part of haemoglobin complexes) and in muscle (myoglobin), and the functioning of the enzymes responsible for energy production. Maintaining oxygen transport and energy metabolism during exercise is essential. However, iron deficiencies are one of the most commonly observed in elite athletes (especially women), which can limit their work capacity and muscle function (3). In terms of iron deficiency, its supplementation has not only shown an improvement in blood biochemistry but also increases sports performance, reflecting an improvement in oxygen intake, better control of heart rate and a decrease in lactate concentration in the blood and muscle fatigue (6, 15).
ZINC: Zinc plays a fundamental role in different biological processes, including the growth and repair of muscle tissue, energy production and immune status. Zinc deficiency in elite athletes can lead to anorexia, significant loss of body mass, fatigue, loss of resistance, decreased cardio-respiratory functions and risk of osteoporosis (6, 15, 16). Elite athletes, particularly women, have an even higher risk of experiencing zinc deficiency situations (16), therefore making it advisable to adopt measures to ensure a minimum intake.
MAGNESIUM: Magnesium has key roles in various aspects of cellular metabolism (fat, carbohydrate and protein metabolism), as well as in neuromuscular, cardiovascular, immune system and hormonal functions. Magnesium deficiency hinders sustained sports performance, increasing oxygen requirements, the benefits of ensuring minimum requirements having been demonstrated (6, 15, 17).
No psychotropic, narcotic, toxic, high-potency substances, hormones and doping substances, defined in the current WADA list, are contained in this product.
Do not exceed the expressly recommended daily dose. Dietary supplements should not be used as a substitute for a varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle Keep out of the reach of young children. Store in a cool, dry place away from light, localised heat sources, and sunlight. The indicated expiration date refers to the product stored correctly in the original packaging.
1. Murray R. Rehydration Strategies - Balancing Substrate, Fluid, and Electrolyte Provision. Int J Sports Med. junio de 1998;19(S 2):S133-5.
2. Maughan RJ, Shirreffs SM. Dehydration and rehydration in competative sport. Scand J Med Sci Sports. 2010;20(s3):40-7.
3. Sports Nutrition: Vitamins and Trace Elements, Second Edition [Internet]. Routledge & CRC Press. [citado 12 de diciembre de 2022]. Disponible en: https://www.routledge.com/Sports-Nutrition-Vitamins-and-Trace-Elements-Second-Edition/Wolinsky-Driskell/p/book/9780367453985
4. Stofan JR, Zachwieja JJ, Horswill CA, Murray R, Anderson SA, Eichner ER. Sweat and Sodium Losses in NCAA Football Players: A Precursor to Heat Cramps? Int J Sport Nutr Exerc Metab. 1 de diciembre de 2005;15(6):641-52.
5. Murray B. Hydration and Physical Performance. J Am Coll Nutr. 1 de octubre de 2007;26:542S-548S.
6. Nutrition and Athletic Performance. Med Sci Sports Exerc. marzo de 2009;41(3):709-31.
7. Exercise and Fluid Replacement. Med Sci Sports Exerc. febrero de 2007;39(2):377-90.
8. Liu Y. The Effect of Sodium Bicarbonate in Sports Drink on the Metabolism of Athletes. Adv J Food Sci Technol. 20 de mayo de 2015;8(4):261-6.
9. Grgic J, Pedisic Z, Saunders B, Artioli GG, Schoenfeld BJ, McKenna MJ, et al. International Society of Sports Nutrition position stand: sodium bicarbonate and exercise performance. J Int Soc Sports Nutr. 9 de septiembre de 2021;18(1):61.
10. Maughan RJ, Owen JH, Shirreffs SM, Leiper JB. Post-exercise rehydration in man: effects of electrolyte addition to ingested fluids. Eur J Appl Physiol. 1994;69(3):209-15.
11. Chycki J, Golas A, Halz M, Maszczyk A, Toborek M, Zajac A. Chronic Ingestion of Sodium and Potassium Bicarbonate, with Potassium, Magnesium and Calcium Citrate Improves Anaerobic Performance in Elite Soccer Players. Nutrients. 1 de noviembre de 2018;10(11):1610.
12. Candas D, Li JJ. MnSOD in oxidative stress response-potential regulation via mitochondrial protein influx. Antioxid Redox Signal. 1 de abril de 2014;20(10):1599-617.
13. Kuzuya T, Nishida M, Hoshida S, Yamashita N, Hori M, Tada M. Manganese Superoxide Dismutase Induced by Extracellular Stress Enhances Myocardial Tolerance to Ischemia-Reperfusion. En: Mochizuki S, Takeda N, Nagano M, Dhalla NS, editores. The Ischemic Heart [Internet]. Boston, MA: Springer US; 1998 [citado 20 de diciembre de 2022]. p. 379-86. (Progress in Experimental Cardiology). Disponible en: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-0-585-39844-0_29
14. MnSOD antisense treatment and exercise-induced protection against arrhythmias - PubMed [Internet]. [citado 20 de diciembre de 2022]. Disponible en: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/15454275/
15. Lukaski HC. Vitamin and mineral status: effects on physical performance. Nutr Burbank Los Angel Cty Calif. 2004;20(7-8):632-44.
16. Micheletti A, Rossi R, Rufini S. Zinc status in athletes: relation to diet and exercise. Sports Med Auckl NZ. 2001;31(8):577-82.
17. Dietary Reference Intakes for Calcium, Phosphorus, Magnesium, Vitamin D, and Fluoride [Internet]. Washington, D.C.: National Academies Press; 1997 [citado 20 de diciembre de 2022]. Disponible en: http://www.nap.edu/catalog/5776
Supplement of mineral salts and electrolytes
Do you need a hydration boost to your physical activity?
NDL Pro-Health Fast Hydration is a dietary supplement with mineral salts that provides electrolytes to maintain hydration during physical activity.
Free shipping to mainland Spain for orders over €60
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NDL Pro-Health Fast Hydration is a dietary supplement in the form of effervescent tablets to be dissolved in water, composed of mineral salts, which provides electrolytes to maintain hydration during physical activity. The iron and magnesium included in the formula also help reduce tiredness and fatigue along with zinc that contributes to normal protein synthesis. Its potassium content contributes to the normal functioning of muscles.
All NDL Pro-Health products meet the strictest quality criteria.
Dissolve 1 tablet of NDL Pro-Health Fast Hydration in 500 ml of water. Stir for complete dissolution. Once the mix is prepared, consume within 24 hours.
Dextrose |
1000,000 |
Excipient: Diluent |
* |
Potassium bicarbonate |
768,049 |
300 mg Potassium |
Isotonicity |
15.00% |
Sodium bicarbonate |
479,085 |
134 mg Sodium |
Isotonicity |
* |
Sodium chloride |
322,000 |
127 mg Sodium |
Normal immune system function |
* |
Magnesium carbonate |
320,000 |
80 mg Magnesium |
Normal muscular function |
21.33% |
Sodium sacharine |
18,000 |
2 mg Sodium |
Excipient: Sweetener |
* |
iron citrate |
14,286 |
3 mg Iron |
Reduces tiredness and fatigue |
21.43% |
zinc citrate |
9,449 |
3 mg Zinc |
Bone maintenance |
30.00% |
Copper gluconate |
2,143 |
0.3 mg Copper |
Anti-inflammatory |
30.00% |
Manganese sulphate |
1,563 |
0.5 mg Manganese |
Bone maintenance |
25.00% |
NDL PRO-HEALTH Fast Hydration does not contain any substances included in the WADA prohibited list either in its composition or in the manufacturing process.
Ensuring proper hydration during exercise is essential to guarantee optimal physical and mental performance and facilitate recovery after training (minimising its time), especially in hot environments and prolonged exercises (1). During exercise, temperature and metabolism control takes place (control of blood pressure, cardiovascular effort, maintenance of an active muscular metabolism, etc.) through sweating (2), which results in significant loss of water, but also of salt (sodium and chlorine), as well as lower losses of potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron and other minerals (3). A decrease in body water content below normal levels (dehydration) causes changes in cardiovascular, thermoregulatory, metabolic, and even central nervous system functions. However, the direct contribution of water (hypotonic drinks) in such situations can reduce the blood concentration of salts, leading to certain renal and vascular stress and the development of hyponatremia (sodium deficiency). Losses in salts are also linked to the appearance of cramps and muscle pulls (4).
Thus, replacing the water and salts lost during exercise is the simplest and most effective way to ensure correct physiological functions for a good workout (5). It is therefore important for athletes to ensure hydration and a good supply of electrolytes (2,6). This is why the use of isotonic drinks that provide hydration while helping to minimise salt losses are highly recommended (7). This isotonic drink ensures not only effective hydration, but also provides sodium and potassium in optimal quantities for the proper functioning of the kidneys, small amounts of micronutrients required during intense physical exercise (3, 6).
SODIUM (in the form of chloride and sodium bicarbonate): A source of salt in sports drinks is critical, particularly in high sweating sports, since water with sodium and chlorine (salt) is essentially lost through sweat (6). Salt also favours the isotonicity of the beverage and contributes significantly to preventing hyponatremia associated with exercise. Hyponatremia occurs whenever sodium levels in the blood plasma fall below certain limits (130 mM/L) and can lead to encephalopathy and pulmonary oedema depending on the degree.
Sodium in the form of sodium bicarbonate also contributes to the control of blood pH, which can be altered during certain sports induced by metabolic changes (8). Thus, a source of sodium bicarbonate during exercise has been shown to have an ergogenic effect in both men and women, improving muscle performance and preventing fatigue in endurance sports, combat and high-intensity sports (cycling, running, swimming, rowing, etc.) (6, 8, 9).
POTASSIUM (in the form of potassium bicarbonate): While not to the same extent as sodium, plasma potassium levels tend to decrease during exercise (10). Potassium is essential for isotonicity, electrolyte balance, nerve transmission, and active transport mechanisms (6). A source of potassium in the form of bicarbonate also contributes to balancing the pH of the blood and it has been seen that its contribution in combination with sodium bicarbonate maximizes the ergogenic effect of both (11).
MANGANESE During intense exercise, oxidative stress is generated, controlled among others by a manganese-dependent cellular machinery (12). Low levels of manganese have also been associated with deficiencies in carbohydrate metabolism and loss of bone mass (3). Therefore, a certain amount of manganese is advisable for protection against oxidative stress induced by intense exercise (especially at the cardiac level) (13, 14), promoting adequate physical performance and favouring recovery (3).
COPPER: Copper is an essential component for various physiological reactions including energy metabolism processes and antioxidant systems, whose role becomes essential in situations of intense sports practice It also facilitates the absorption of free iron and blood haemoglobin, preventing anaemia and is very important in the development of cardiovascular and neuronal functions (3).
IRON: Iron is the trace mineral found in greatest quantity in the human body. Its main roles are the transport of oxygen both in blood (as part of haemoglobin complexes) and in muscle (myoglobin), and the functioning of the enzymes responsible for energy production. Maintaining oxygen transport and energy metabolism during exercise is essential. However, iron deficiencies are one of the most commonly observed in elite athletes (especially women), which can limit their work capacity and muscle function (3). In terms of iron deficiency, its supplementation has not only shown an improvement in blood biochemistry but also increases sports performance, reflecting an improvement in oxygen intake, better control of heart rate and a decrease in lactate concentration in the blood and muscle fatigue (6, 15).
ZINC: Zinc plays a fundamental role in different biological processes, including the growth and repair of muscle tissue, energy production and immune status. Zinc deficiency in elite athletes can lead to anorexia, significant loss of body mass, fatigue, loss of resistance, decreased cardio-respiratory functions and risk of osteoporosis (6, 15, 16). Elite athletes, particularly women, have an even higher risk of experiencing zinc deficiency situations (16), therefore making it advisable to adopt measures to ensure a minimum intake.
MAGNESIUM: Magnesium has key roles in various aspects of cellular metabolism (fat, carbohydrate and protein metabolism), as well as in neuromuscular, cardiovascular, immune system and hormonal functions. Magnesium deficiency hinders sustained sports performance, increasing oxygen requirements, the benefits of ensuring minimum requirements having been demonstrated (6, 15, 17).
No psychotropic, narcotic, toxic, high-potency substances, hormones and doping substances, defined in the current WADA list, are contained in this product.
Do not exceed the expressly recommended daily dose. Dietary supplements should not be used as a substitute for a varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle Keep out of the reach of young children. Store in a cool, dry place away from light, localised heat sources, and sunlight. The indicated expiration date refers to the product stored correctly in the original packaging.
1. Murray R. Rehydration Strategies - Balancing Substrate, Fluid, and Electrolyte Provision. Int J Sports Med. junio de 1998;19(S 2):S133-5.
2. Maughan RJ, Shirreffs SM. Dehydration and rehydration in competative sport. Scand J Med Sci Sports. 2010;20(s3):40-7.
3. Sports Nutrition: Vitamins and Trace Elements, Second Edition [Internet]. Routledge & CRC Press. [citado 12 de diciembre de 2022]. Disponible en: https://www.routledge.com/Sports-Nutrition-Vitamins-and-Trace-Elements-Second-Edition/Wolinsky-Driskell/p/book/9780367453985
4. Stofan JR, Zachwieja JJ, Horswill CA, Murray R, Anderson SA, Eichner ER. Sweat and Sodium Losses in NCAA Football Players: A Precursor to Heat Cramps? Int J Sport Nutr Exerc Metab. 1 de diciembre de 2005;15(6):641-52.
5. Murray B. Hydration and Physical Performance. J Am Coll Nutr. 1 de octubre de 2007;26:542S-548S.
6. Nutrition and Athletic Performance. Med Sci Sports Exerc. marzo de 2009;41(3):709-31.
7. Exercise and Fluid Replacement. Med Sci Sports Exerc. febrero de 2007;39(2):377-90.
8. Liu Y. The Effect of Sodium Bicarbonate in Sports Drink on the Metabolism of Athletes. Adv J Food Sci Technol. 20 de mayo de 2015;8(4):261-6.
9. Grgic J, Pedisic Z, Saunders B, Artioli GG, Schoenfeld BJ, McKenna MJ, et al. International Society of Sports Nutrition position stand: sodium bicarbonate and exercise performance. J Int Soc Sports Nutr. 9 de septiembre de 2021;18(1):61.
10. Maughan RJ, Owen JH, Shirreffs SM, Leiper JB. Post-exercise rehydration in man: effects of electrolyte addition to ingested fluids. Eur J Appl Physiol. 1994;69(3):209-15.
11. Chycki J, Golas A, Halz M, Maszczyk A, Toborek M, Zajac A. Chronic Ingestion of Sodium and Potassium Bicarbonate, with Potassium, Magnesium and Calcium Citrate Improves Anaerobic Performance in Elite Soccer Players. Nutrients. 1 de noviembre de 2018;10(11):1610.
12. Candas D, Li JJ. MnSOD in oxidative stress response-potential regulation via mitochondrial protein influx. Antioxid Redox Signal. 1 de abril de 2014;20(10):1599-617.
13. Kuzuya T, Nishida M, Hoshida S, Yamashita N, Hori M, Tada M. Manganese Superoxide Dismutase Induced by Extracellular Stress Enhances Myocardial Tolerance to Ischemia-Reperfusion. En: Mochizuki S, Takeda N, Nagano M, Dhalla NS, editores. The Ischemic Heart [Internet]. Boston, MA: Springer US; 1998 [citado 20 de diciembre de 2022]. p. 379-86. (Progress in Experimental Cardiology). Disponible en: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-0-585-39844-0_29
14. MnSOD antisense treatment and exercise-induced protection against arrhythmias - PubMed [Internet]. [citado 20 de diciembre de 2022]. Disponible en: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/15454275/
15. Lukaski HC. Vitamin and mineral status: effects on physical performance. Nutr Burbank Los Angel Cty Calif. 2004;20(7-8):632-44.
16. Micheletti A, Rossi R, Rufini S. Zinc status in athletes: relation to diet and exercise. Sports Med Auckl NZ. 2001;31(8):577-82.
17. Dietary Reference Intakes for Calcium, Phosphorus, Magnesium, Vitamin D, and Fluoride [Internet]. Washington, D.C.: National Academies Press; 1997 [citado 20 de diciembre de 2022]. Disponible en: http://www.nap.edu/catalog/5776
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