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Isotonic drinks

The appearance of fatigue is a common symptom during physical activity, usually due to incorrect hydration, leading to a drop in performance and fatigue. To avoid this, the consumption of NDL isotonic drinks that favor the absorption of electrolytes and mineral salts during sport is key.

How to choose your moisturizing sports drinks?

When choosing an isotonic drink that is right for your needs, it is important to consider several factors to make sure you are making the right choice.

First, check the ingredients to make sure it contains a balanced mix of water, carbohydrates and electrolytes, such as sodium, potassium and magnesium.

These components help replenish fluids lost during physical activity and maintain electrolyte balance in the body. Also, pay attention to sugar and calorie content, especially if you are looking for an isotonic drink to control your caloric intake. Also consider taste and digestive tolerance, as some people may prefer options with mild flavors or no added sugars.

Benefits of isotonic powders for athletes.

NDL Pro-Health Hydration+Energy isotonic drink powder provides the following benefits:

  • Effective rehydration: Isotonic drinks contain a balanced combination of water and electrolytes, such as sodium, potassium and magnesium, which help replenish fluids lost through sweat during exercise.

  • Maintaining electrolyte balance: During physical activity, the body can lose important electrolytes, which can lead to imbalances in sodium, potassium and other mineral levels. Isotonic drinks help restore these levels, which is crucial for optimal body function.

  • Quick energy: Many isotonic drinks contain simple carbohydrates, such as glucose, which are quickly absorbed into the bloodstream and provide an immediate source of energy during exercise.

  • Preventing fatigue: By replenishing lost fluids and electrolytes, isotonic drinks can help prevent dehydration and muscle fatigue during prolonged exercise, which can improve performance and endurance.

  • Improved athletic performance: By keeping the body well hydrated and providing a quick source of energy, isotonic drinks can improve athletic performance and post-exercise recovery.

  • Aid in recovery: After intense exercise, it is important to replenish lost fluids and electrolytes to facilitate muscle recovery and reduce the risk of cramping and injury. Isotonic drinks can be a convenient and effective option to achieve this.

NDL Pro-Health Hydration + Energy helps maintain an adequate level of electrolytes, the recovery of salts and minerals in the body and is a fast and stable source of energy for training.

When to take your isotonic drink?

Before exercise: It is advisable to drink approximately 200-300 ml of isotonic drink approximately 30 minutes before starting exercise. This helps to pre-hydrate you and prepare your body for physical activity.

During exercise: During exercise, it is important to take regular sips of the isotonic drink to maintain adequate hydration and replenish electrolytes lost through sweat. The amount you should drink will depend on the duration and intensity of exercise, as well as weather conditions.

Frequency of consumption: To maintain proper fluid and electrolyte balance, it is recommended to take small sips of the isotonic drink every 15-20 minutes during exercise. This helps to avoid dehydration and maintain optimal physical performance.

Do not overdo it:While it is important to stay hydrated, it is important not to overdo the consumption of isotonic drinks, as they may contain additional calories and sugars. Excessive drinking can lead to excessive caloric intake and digestive problems during exercise.

Post-exercise: After completing your workout, it is advisable to continue hydrating and replenishing lost electrolytes. You can choose to continue drinking the isotonic drink or alternate with water and other hydrating beverages. It is also important to consume nutrient-rich foods to aid in muscle recovery.

Listen to your body: Everyone is different, so it is important to listen to your body and adjust your isotonic drink intake according to your individual needs. If you feel thirsty, fatigue or muscle cramps during exercise, you may need to increase your fluid and electrolyte intake.

Customer ratings


Lo llevo en un bidón, que al principio parece un poco incómodo para correr, pero te acostumbras rápido… ¡y merece la pena! Llego al final con energía, sin esa sensación de agotamiento total.


Juego a Pickleball y había probado casi todos los productos del mercado pero para mí este es espectacular.

Teresa Lozano

Juego al pádel y noto menos fatiga y las piernas más activas. Sabor agradable con un toque a limón

Lourdes Ortega

El producto es fantástico para reponer esa falta de energía y fatiga durante el ejercicio. Juego a tenis y pádel, tras probarlo, los resultados son fantásticos. Lo recomiendo 100%.

Manuel Mateo Marín

Muy buen producto


Me han venido muy bien, durante el esfuerzo, he ido reponiendo lo que perdía y he terminado sin apenas cansancio y con mejor rendimiento que el habitual. Buena experiencia

Soledad Gomez Ruesgas

Buena hidratación y energia

jose luis ferrandiz gisbert

Buen producto. Cumple perfectamente mis expectativas.


Ha cumplido con las expectativas. Proporciona un gran aporte energético que beneficia el rendimiento acorde al estado de forma. Se echa en falta otra opción de sabor, pese a que el de lima es muy palatable.

Miguel Callejo

Genial para un aporte rápido de energia
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