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Glutamine powder

Glutamine is the most abundant amino acid in the body and of great importance due to its involvement in metabolism processes. In NDL you can buy glutamine supplements, thanks to which promote protein synthesis avoiding catabolism and regeneration of tissues that have suffered some kind of damage.

How to choose your muscle regenerator?

Glutamine is normally taken in conjunction with other essential branched chain amino acids, such as BCAAs: leucine, valine, isoleucine.

The main reason is its importance for muscle development, brain health and post-exercise recovery for its multiple benefits: protein synthesis, reduction of muscle fatigue, prevention of muscle breakdown and accelerated recovery.

Properties and benefits of the supplement with glutamine Muscle Regeneration from NDL Pro-Health for the athlete.

NDL Pro-Health Muscle Regeneration features a highly advanced formulation with a 2:1:1 ratio of BCAAs plus glutamine and vitamins and minerals.

The 2:1:1 ratio of BCAAs responds to the formula's higher concentration of the essential amino acid leucine, key to post-workout muscle regeneration and recovery.

Glutamine provides key protein synthesis for reduced muscle fatigue and accelerated post-workout recovery. And finally, vitamins and minerals play a key role that goes beyond protein synthesis, with a special anti-inflammatory and muscle regeneration focus.

NDL Pro-Health Muscle Regeneration helps you recover after sports training. Its formula is perfectly balanced with branched-chain amino acids, glutamine, minerals and vitamins.

When to take your glutamine?

The body's demand for glutamine increases after intense training. Taking glutamine post-exercise helps speed muscle recovery and reduce possible soreness.

In heavy training phases or frequent competitions, supplementing with glutamine can help keep the immune system strong and prevent overtraining.

It also helps improve sleep quality by having a calming effect on the central nervous system.

Customer ratings


Sabor buenísimo, cumple totalmente con las expectativas


Tuve un problema con el envío, pero me lo resolvieron perfectamente

Enrique Hoya Nevado

Me gusta que la sensación de recuperación sea rápida. De los mejores recuperadores que he probado. El sabor me gusta.

Olga Noceda Berrocal

No puedo opinar porque todavía no lo he recibido. Pero no estoy muy contenta. Gracias

Christian perez

el sabor está muy conseguido , se disuelve muy bien . Resultado excelente
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