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Tryptophan with magnesium

Tryptophan is an essential amino acid for our body, necessary to produce proteins, enzymes, and neurotransmitters. Since it cannot be produced naturally by our body, we need to obtain it from other sources such as foods and supplements with tryptophan.

How to choose your tryptophan in NDL?

The choice of tryptophan with magnesium should be based on the need experienced at that moment. E.g.: lack of sleep, anxiety, restlessness, low mood, etc.

We find in the market, tryptophan with melatonin clearly focused on the lack of sleep and others such as tryptophan NDL Pro-Health Mind&Body Balance with a main focus on physical and mental balance after exercise and sport routines.To choose the right supplements and food supplements with tryptophan, it is recommended that the daily dose does not exceed 4 mg per kilo of body weight.

Properties and benefits of tryptophan tablets.

By taking NDL tryptophan supplements you can obtain results such as:

  • Deep sleep and nighttime recovery. This is important to start the day; by having a healthy sleep you will produce high levels of serotonin.

  • Calming effect creating general well-being, which again leads us to encourage healthy sleep cycles.

  • Combats anxiety by promoting relaxation and that much needed state of positivity.

  • Tranquility when dealing with daily stress and the different challenges we face on a daily basis.

  • Appetite control, and therefore, weight control. Because tryptophan with magnesium keeps stress levels limited, cravings that replace healthy diets are suppressed. You will no longer feel the need to eat fats, salts and sugars that would only build up in your body.

  • Improves your memory making it easier to remember important matters.

  • Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory thanks to the Hesperidin component in its formulation.

  • Reduction of tiredness and fatigue due to Magnesium, iron, and vitamins: B3, B5, B6 and B9.


NDL Pro-Health Mind&Body Balance is a food supplement that focuses on physical and mental balance after exercise and sports routines.

When to take your NDL tryptophan in pills?

Taking tryptophan approximately 30 minutes before bedtime may help improve sleep quality by facilitating melatonin production. In addition, in times of psychological or emotional stress, taking tryptophan can help maintain a healthy serotonin balance, improving mood and stress management ability.

It also helps improve cognitive function by consuming tryptophan before breakfast.

In summary, taking tryptophan has many benefits: it helps you fall asleep better, improves cognitive function and improves your physical and mental balance.

Customer ratings


De momento estoy muy contento con el magnesio, me da bastante serenidad y paz mental, que me viene muy bien ya que sufro de ansiedad y bipolaridad, me ayuda a tomarme las cosas con más calma.

Mariluz Paredes

Más tranquilo el genio. Más enérgico el cuerpo. Calidad del sueño... No mejoró nada. Sin efectos secundarios. Ese podría ser el resumen y remarcando que llevo poco tiempo. Ni tan mal.... Repetiré.

alicia canga

Llevo toda la vida con migrañas y gracias a estas vitaminas, no sólo duermo mejor (sin pesadillas), sino que mis migrañas hormonales han desaparecido por completo. No sé qué combinación de ingredientes llevan, pero hace cuatro meses que empecé a tomarlas y son los mismos meses que llevo sin migraña. Para mí es mi milagro personal. MUY FELIZ con los resultados, obviamente.


Tengo muchos problemas de sueño y este producto me ayuda a conciliar el sueño y a relajarme. He probado otros de otras marcas y me dan bastantes pesadillas, este me deja relajada y puedo dormir por las noches.

Raquel Santisteban Miguel

En mi caso tenía un estado de agotamiento constante y desde que tomo las vitaminas me encuentro mucho mejor y también más animada. De hecho he recuperado el ejercicio que hasta ahora era incapaz.
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